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I passed PMP on 06/17 - Cheese Flan almost killed my PMP (or may be not)


I was scheduled to appear for PMP certification on Monday morning on 10/17. As many of our PMP friends suggested to not to read a lot on the day before exam, I wasn’t preparing to do lot of study however I had fun day and fun night :)

Not sure how it started but From Sunday morning 4 AM, I was constantly throwing up and what I ate wasn’t staying in at all and horrible stomach pain throughout the day and till Monday morning with no proper sleep at all. I wasn’t sure it was the cheese flan I ate on Saturday or the stress I was having due to the exam? I was thinking should I reschedule or just go ahead and give the exam? Good that PMI stopped allowing last minute reschedules….. yes I passed with 1 P and 3 MPs.

After all this boring part, here is my experience and preparation details.

Total preparation: 2 months

Books read: 1 full read of PMBOK and Rita Mulcahy simultaneously (PMBOK mostly in office pdf version and RITA at home) then did exams in RITA from chapter 1 to last chapter.

Then scheduled the exam with a month gap. Started doing exams from following sources for complete 4+ weeks.

1) Christopher Scordo – Available from 24X7 books from my employer. Solved chapter wise questions then 40 questions per test. Did around 12 tests. Consistently scored 65-70%. Recommended: 70%
Quality: Good practice for questions and explanation is average. Overall questions quality is average.

2) 15 questions a day: I think it is from passionate PM. They have sent for a week and stopped after that. Good quality questions with explanations.
Quality: Above Average.

3) OliverLehman: Did both 75 and 175 questions. Good exercise to train your brain. Only references are given to find answers from multiple sources and it is not easy to find answers. Scored: 65%

Many of the answers for these questions were found in below notes. I felt like jackpot after finding this link :)

4) HeadfirstPMP: 200 questions. You need to this exam to build your confidence.
Scored: 76%

5) BrainBOK sample questions: On par with real PMP exams. And the famous 80 commonly confused words in PMP. Fantastic list and needed one.
Scored: 69% (I guess needed is 70% or more but scored 1% less than needed)

6) PMPrepcast Free Exams: You will have access 3 days with access to 3 tests and each 30 questions(I guess). On par with real PMP exams. Excellent explanations.
Scored: Test 1: 58%; Test 2: 65%; Test 3: 75%

7) PMStudy Free Exams: 200 questions. On par with PMP exams. Good quality of questions.
Scored 65% for the first run. 77% for the 2nd run

Overall I was scoring between 65% and 75% for most of the tests and I was able to clear PMP even being in bad health situation, Did I tell you, I was reading most of the questions 3 times :) yes, I had only time to review marked 20+ questions.

All above feedback is just my opinion and I might be wrong in few references above but I am confident that most of it can be used for anyone’s preparation.

One last suggestion, do not reschedule the exam ever but work towards your exam date to cover the materials you planned. Failing is not a bad thing unless it is cost constraint. All the learning will still stay with you :)

PMP Test - Am I ready for the test?


Hi everyone,

I have been studying and working hard on preparing for the PMP test over the last 5 months. I have been told that I need to score 85% and above on practice tests before I go and take the exam. I have taken just about every test I can take. and I am averaging 75% on the test. Below are some of the tests sites I have used. I read the PMBOK guide, and I have read Rita Mulcahy twice. I took all of the test in her book again and below are my scores. I have focused my studying on HR, Communication and Risk management. I also have the chart memorized and I score pretty well around 70 to 75% on inputs and outputs. I really want to pass on my first try and want to be sure that I am ready. Any advice for me? By the way I have been accepted from PMI so all I need to do is pick a day and take the test. Thank you.

  • PMP Den
  • Exam Central
  • Oliver Lehmann (70%)
  • Head First
  • PM Aspire
  • Passionate PM
  • etc...

Rita Chapter scores
84% -4 25 Project Management Framework
84% -4 25 Project Management Processes
74% -11 43 Integration Management
80% -6 30 Scope Management
86% -5 38 Time Management
74% -10 39 Cost Management
71% -10 35 Quality Management
67% -11 34 Human Resource Management
66% -10 30 Communications Management
65% -14 40 Risk Management
73% -11 40 Procurement Management
80% -6 30 Professional and Social Responsibility

Not sure where to go from here?


Hi, I have been studying for the PMP exam for a long time now. I am trying to pass on my first attempt. I have taken many practice tests and averaging around 75 to 85 percent. Over the weekend I signed up for Brainbok and took their test. I only scored 56% and i was only proficient in 2 knowledge areas. I am at a loss to where I go from here. This is what I have done so far.

Read Rita 2 times and taken all tests
Read Pmbok 5th edition 2 times.
Taken many tests.

I am having trouble determining the best answer. I always know which two answers can be used, but I just don't seem to determine the right one. suggestions?

Am i ready to take the PMP Exam?


Hi everyone,

A month back I took the brainbok exam 1 and got a 56%. I have been studying since then. Yesterday I took the 2nd brainbok test and received a score of 62% and 61% is passing. I did pass... I am thinking about signing up for the test 2 weeks from now, but before I do I would like to get some feedback. Should I keep studying or does it sound like I am ready?

Thank You!!

Help me select online PMP course


There are so many online PMP training providers. I am just confused. I have shortlisted a few. Please share your opinion on which is the best from the following -
1) Simplilearn - They come first in Google search.
2) Encertify - Got their details from my manager who took their course. They provide their PMP course in collaboration with PMstudy
3) Grey Campus - Got an email from them

I don't mind taking 2-3 courses, provided they are useful.

PMP Exam Question: Early Start begins with 1 or 0?


In the Network Diagram questions, should the diagram be started with 1 or with 0? I've seen both ways.

Sample Question about Net Present Value


One of test questions I came across dealing with Net Present Value was the following: If the Net Present Value for each of the cash flows were calculated at a 10% interest rate, the net present value cash flow at the end of five years would be:
a. greater than the total cash flow without the net present value applied
b. Less than the total cash flow without the net present value applied
c. the same as the total cash flow without the net present value applied
d. Unable to be calculated with the information supplied.

The answer is b, but the "without the net present value applied" is throwing me off. Is this added to just clarify the answer?

Here is the table:
End of Year 1, Cash Flow In: 0, Cash Flow Out: 500,000
End of Year 2, Cash Flow In: 300,000, Cash Flow Out: 90,000
End of year 3,Cash Flow In: 400,000, Cash Flow Out: 100,000
End of year 4,Cash Flow In: 100,000, Cash Flow Out: 175,000
End of year 5,Cash Flow In: 50,000, Cash Flow Out: 35,000

Impact of PMBOK 6th Edition on PMP Aspirants in 2017


PMI will launch the PMBOK® Guide version 6 (Project Management Body of Knowledge) in the Q3 of 2017. The PMI keeps updating and reviewing the PMBOK® Guide to collaborate new trends in the project management field and to avoid any inconsistencies/ errors/omissions of the previous version of PMBOK® Guide. This change in the PMBOK Guide will be having some major impact on PMP exam as well.

If any PMP® Aspirant who is seeking to get certified in 2017, there is a good news for them, there won’t be any changes to the PMP® exam in 2017. The effects of PMBOK Guide version 6 will reflect on the PMP® Exam from January, 2018 and onwards.

The PMBOK® Guide 6 does not have much impact on PMP® certification aspirants in 2017 and the currently available PMP preparation materials, including books, online PMP prep resources and courses are still useful and relevant to the PMP® Exams in 2017.

However, PMI has not made any official declaration, but by looking at the previous experience of PMBOK Guide update, we can presume that the PMP® exam will be conducted on the current edition of PMBOK® Guide i.e. PMBOK Guide 5 throughout 2017. And we can witness the impact of the 6th edition of the PMBOK Guide on the PMP® examination in 2018 onwards. The PMP aspirants who have begun the preparation for PMP® certification exam now can get certified based on the present PMP® syllabus and 5th edition of PMBOK® Guide.

The launch of the 6th edition of PMBOK Guide will effect psychologically to 2017 PMP aspirants. The aspirants have to clear their certification in 2017 itself, if fail to do so, they would need to start preparing again on the basis of the PMBOK Guide 6th version in 2018, as there are chances that the PMP syllabus might also change. With this, we can say that there are very less opportunities and time remaining for PMP® certification aspirants in 2017.

Benefits of Getting PMP® Certified in 2017

If anyone is looking to take the PMP certification exam in 2017, this is a high time to convert your thoughts into action:
* You will get lots of resources and study materials for the PMP certification exam and the PMBOK® Guide 5th edition (current edition).
* The difficulty level of PMP examination may be higher after the launch of the 6th version of PMBOK® Guide.
* In 2018, we may witnessed hike in the exam fee of PMP ®.
* The predictions of change in the format of the PMP® exam are also roaming.
* The PMP® exam prep books and online courses or study-material may not be available.
* The new prep materials expected to have errors in terminology and project management processes.

So, if you don’t get certified in 2017, then you will find it difficult to get PMP® certified in the first or even second quarter of 2018 that might affect your career plans.

PMP application samples for reference


for those that have already done the application, can you post a copy of it or send me a copy. I'm starting mine and I'm a little lost. it would be nice to have an example done my someone that already finished the PMP certification.
as we know in the Military there isn't a reason to reinvent the wheel.

thank you

what are the constrains of project


What are the constrains of project and which factor can lead a project to fail

PMP Question - Maslow Hierarchy of Needs


I am wondering about one PMP question about Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. The question states that someone has offered the opportunity to become a Project Leader, but he declined the offer citing his desire to excel in the technical role and be recognized as a leading expert in his field.
I understand that the answer is he achieving Esteem Needs because he want to be recognized.
However, I wonder another situation. What if he accept the offer to become a project leader without any information about "his desire to excel in the technical role and be recognized as a leading expert in his field" ?
Is the answer still achieving Esteem Needs ?

Does Developing Project Management Plan include Project Document ?


According to PMBOK 5th edition, page 78, states that "While the project management plan is one of the primary documents used to manage the project, other project documents are also used. These other documents are not part of the project management plan",
A requirement document and a project statement of work are part of the project document. I think both of them are not required in developing project management plan.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

What is the difference between Scope Creep and Gold Plating?


Hello everyone,

There's a subtle difference between Scope Creep and Gold Plating, but many people seem to miss it.

The PMBOK® Guide, Fifth Edition defines Scope Creep as:

The uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to time, cost, and resources.

Before I share my thoughts on the difference, I invite the community members to share their views on this topic. Over to you guys ...

Good luck.

Which is more important Accuracy or Precision?


I recently did a blog post on the difference between Accuracy and Precision.

Accuracy is an assessment of correctness, whereas Precision is a measure of exactness.

You can read that post here:

Accuracy vs Precision

One of the points addressed in the post was - Which is more important Accuracy or Precision?

My opinion is that there’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to Accuracy and Precision. The project management team decides the appropriate level of Accuracy and Precision desired on their project. Generally speaking, a good balance of Accuracy and Precision is desirable.

I would like to know what others think on this. Looking forward to some good insights from the experts out there.

Thanks in advance.

Passed PMP , Attempt #1:


I passed my PMP exam recently & here is my experience using different tool & material on PMP. Before I write my review in no capacity I have any association with Harwinder (the maker of BrainBok & Deepfried Blog or PM Hangout) , other than the fact that I regard his work.. 'Blog & Brainbok tool or Brainbok PMP Exam' to be high quality stuff .

With that been said I used the following material to Pass PMP

1)PMBOK (Must read Once)

2)Rita's Book (Good Read - I read this book first before I read PMBOK it helped me understand the concepts)

3)BrainBok - ITTO (I used it to understand the data flow & realized the big picture & understanding of key concept )

4) BrainBok - Simulator Exam (Very Tough Exam , never scored more than 70% but passed 3 out of 4 exam I gave – (PMP Exam1, PMP Exam2 , PMP Exam3 & PMP Numerical Exam) – Tough Questions & very vital for someone who really wants to understand the concept & application area. It helped be realized my knowledge gap & always kept me away from getting complaisant.

4)Cornelius PMP - Exam Simulator (Easy to Moderate Exam) (Gave 3 exam on this simulator I score in high 85+% in most exam , in one exam I score 96% - if you want to build your confidence it’s a great tool but maybe I would rather give tough Prep Exam & Fail those to find out my Knowledge Gaps before the real Exam )

5) Solved around 1800+ Q including (Random Question, Prep/Mock Exam, Rita's Q)

Other than this I used DeepFried Blog to learn some few very key concept & bookmarked them on my laptop - Like Difference between

1)Schedule Baseline Vs Project Schedule &
2)Quality Control Vs Quality Assurance or
3)Point of Total Assumption

All the above Great reads help be understand a lot .

Also used Saket Bansal video’s (available for Free on youtube )

Also for someone very curious person like me used this link http://www.pmhangout.com/uploads/editor/qz/uu1b7hg2vj86.pdf & http://www.deepfriedbrainproject.com/2010/04/pmp-passing-score-secrets.html to analysis my chance tones of time.

To me only drawback on 'BrainBok tool' is no ‘video’ means no user interaction which means you need to be very focused to study with this tool . Also 'Brain Bok Exam Simulator tool' should add few more filter on the result page to analysis the exam result .

How to collect PDU for Free after PMP Certification


Harwinder ,

Please help us here & share you knowledge on the same .

How to collect PDU for Free after PMP ?

What's New in PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition - Review and Summary of Changes


I just posted a review and summary of changes in the PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition on my blog:

What's New in PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition

Brief outline:

  • Alignment with PMI's Role Delineation Study (RDS) 2015.
  • 3 new processes have been added, and 1 process removed to bring the total number of project management processes to 49.
  • 9 processes have been updated.
  • Role of Project Manager gets greater focus
  • More emphasis on Benefits Management and Knowledge Management throughout the project.

NOTE: PMP Exam will change on March 26, 2018 to align with the PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition.

Print featured disabled in PMBOK Guide 6th Edition PDF


Starting with the release of the PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition, PMI has updated their terms to not allow the printing of the PMBOK Guide PDF version. The 'Print' feature has been disabled in the PDF version.

According to PMI, this has been done to tackle piracy.

You can read more about this change here:

Why can’t I Print the PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition PDF?

What do you think about this change?

Get $210 Discount on CAPM Exam with PMI Pilot Program


CAPM certification exam is changing on May 21, 2018. But if you agree to become PMI's guinea pig :wink: , you can save up to $210 on your exam fee. All you have to do is to take the exam between Mar 12, 2018 to May 20, 2018.

The details of this pilot program are posted here:

CAPM Exam Change 2018 - Pilot Program

So will you consider or recommend participating in this pilot? Post your thoughts below.

PMP Exam Content Outline will remain unchanged with Mar 2018 Update


PMP Exam is changing on Mar 26, 2018, but according to PMI, the PMP exam content outline would remain unchanged from June 2015. Here's what PMI said:

"In conjunction with the September 2017 release of the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition, we are updating the PMP exam. This will ensure consistent use of terminology and will harmonize process groups, tools and techniques between the Guide and the exam.

Although it does not test your knowledge of the PMBOK Guide®, it is one of the primary references for the exam. Please note, the PMP exam content outline will not be updated."

Source: https://www.pmi.org/certifications/types/project-management-pmp/exam-prep/changes

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